I felt like a worm packed in a plastic bag full of water. Wait a sec! Now that I recall it, it always had been this way, until that day. I was really used to that, I mean: swimming in a warming and jelly liquid that I liked to taste from time to time –it was salty by the way-. But something was wrong that day and I knew it from the very moment that my warming liquid began to flush down. The more I tried to move, the more I felt the plastic bag attached to my body. The water must have gone somewhere and I had to know where. so I put myself up-side-down and pushed my head close to the hole that the liquid gone through, though not so close as to flush myself down. When I tried to cross the hole with my head, I felt something pushing my head back again. The more I pushed my head outside, the more this strange force kept me inside. After some minutes of a strong wrestling I felt my head in the outside. Finally I would dig myself in that warming liquid again, I thought. But I was wrong, what I felt at that very moment gave me the creeps. A freezing air covered my head in such a way that I felt my bones shaking. So I remained still, with my eyes and my mouth shut. I could barely breathe. I felt the hole closing around my neck so tidily like a lion’s mouth digging its fangs in a gazelle's neck. But the most terrifying experience was about to come. When I thought that I would remain in that position for the rest of my existence I was shot outside like a bullet. Everything was cold and non salty warm liquid around. My heart was about to burst. I hardly breathe. I was really scare. I didn’t know where I was. It took me some minutes to realize that it was my own voice that was breaking my ears. I opened my eyes and an overrated image let me identify a hand that picked me up in the air. I was afraid so, I moved as fast as I could and then, I fell down. I heard many voices screaming at once. I closed my eyes and I screamed again. I opened my eyes again, and this time, my overrated vision let me identify two hands that carried me up in the air. I closed my eyes. Minutes later I was sucking a sweet and warm liquid from a leather bag. I closed my eyes, took a big breath and I felt tranquil.
It was 5:15 am when I was woke up for my sister shouts. Some days before, she went to the hospital. groaning of pain, but the doctors said that the moment didn’t have arrived yet. “Babies born when they are ready to born” mama told her when she came back from the hospital with the same eight-and-a- half months belly. She couldn’t do anything but wait; and wait she did. That dawn was really cold as all August’s dawns. “Mama hurry up, I can hold it” said my sister almost crying. I could see her suffering. She was really in pain: she grabbed her belly with both hands while she crossing her legs. I got dressed in a minute while my mother was taking her shower.” Mom, do you really think this is a good time for taking a shower?” my sister complained. “Don’t push me up I didn’t ask you to get pregnant, did I?” -mama shot back from the bath-. When mom was ready, we went outside looking for a cab. As it was to early, non cab would cross that lonely street. After fifteenth minutes of waiting, a cab appeared in the horizon. I walked until the middle of the way and made a sign for the cab to stop. We got the car. Mama asked the driver to lead us to the nearest hospital. The odyssey started. I think that this old men was kind of drunk. When I asked him to go to the left, he turned to the right. And when I asked him to go forward, he got the left. Suddenly we found ourselves in a cul-de-sac. When we finally could find a way out from this dead end, the baby head began to show up. I was really scared watching my sister trying to hold the baby inside. Hurry up! Said my sister. “Don't shout like that, relax” replayed the driver. “Hold it” – mama suggested- When we finally made it to the hospital the baby's head was long out. Given the circunstances, my sister didn't have another option but given birth in the back side of the cab. I got out of the car, so my mom did. I run to the hospital to ask for help. The guard came with a wheelchair that my sister wouldn't use. “Call a doctor” -I requested- I went back to the cab just in time to see how this baby was shot like a bullet infront of the people gathered near us. My mom shouted so loud that made me scream too. Then, she tried to grab the baby with a hand, unfortunately the baby slipped out of her hand falling down on the cab chair. Every body shouted at once. When mom was trying to grab the baby for the socond time, a young male doctor came. With both hands, he put the baby up in the air, and entered the hospital. That was a tough day . The tranquility came only when I saw my sister breast-feeding a beautiful baby.
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