Thursday, 24 February 2011


Because I did not find something different in the kitchen.
Because it was monday. And I get tired on mondays.
Because early that morning mama did not wake me up at the time she was supoused to.
Because I was really running late. And I hate being late.
Because the rain would not stop to fall.
Because I was cold and hungry and angry.
Because my head felt twice the size.
Because when I first saw it it was desirable.
Because one thing is one thig and other thing is other thing, as you say.
Because I felt hated that day.
Because I hated the world that day.
Because you're a bitch and I love you.
Because I'm a sinner.
Because the spirit is willing... and the flesh is weak... and I'm nothig but flesh, and bones and spirit and weakness and all around humanity.
Because I love fruits. You know I love fruist.
Because it was red and not green remember?.
Because it had your smell and then... I could not resist.
Because when I tasted IT, IT was sweet.
Because I was out of money... and wet.
Because? For the fuck of it.
Because I felt this soft wave of sweet nectar swamping all my mouth... and now I have no regrets.
Because that apple-shaped entity was vulnerable in my hand.
Because the hungry hurts. You don't know how much it hurt that morning, and that pain empowered my weak flesh... and I had no options, then, I took it, I observed it once, twice, it was so easy, and then I BIT IT... and I liked IT.

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