Thursday, 14 April 2011

Our First Trip Together

This happened when I was nineteen years old. I was with my boyfriend (actually my husband) and we decided for the first time to be alone for a weekend and to go to Santa Rosa de Cabal where there is a wonderful place called “Termales”.
But before the travel we should prepared all: the bags, the car, the money and certainly the permission. It was the most complicated thing, especially for my grandmother, she is a person very strict, moralist and tied to the clock, one of her more famous phrases is: “In my house everyone has to take the breakfast at 7:00 a.m. the lunch at 12:00 m. and the dinner at 6:00 o’clock, the door is closed at 7:00 p.m. and the boyfriend has to visit you at the living room most of times, preferably”. If you are not according with all her laws you are in big problems.
It is necessary to annotate that in that time I was living with her because my parent’s house is in Palmira and I was studying Topographical Engineer, here in the University of Valle. Anyway, the case was that she was not going to allow that we were to that place, but in that occasion and after many requests and promises she accepted, but certainly no to be there more than one day. You have to be here maximum at seven o'clock in the night, it changed all the plans but we accepted or not accepted we did not have another alternative.
At the following day I woke up at 3:00 a.m. to arrive on time to the wonderful place, more or less at nine o’clock. We were so happy in the route we take a special breakfast called in our city “Trucker's breakfast” it was really delicious, we continue on the route listening to music and singing.
Finally we arrive to the town, at the park there were some squirrels, we took of them some beautiful pictures and enjoyed eating a delicious ice cream, after that, we continue the way to our destination. When we arrived there it was very very beautiful, the first thing that you can see there is a relaxing waterfall adorned with many plants and flowers, and the pictures could not wait. The weather was cold but it was not important because we were on the hot water. At minding day we ate a delicious fish with the famous “Coca Cola”, sometime time later we followed some tourists that were walking the famous ecological trek of almost all these places, we finished this trek with a bath in the “rumbera swimming pool” a swimming pool created only to dance that works only in the night. I don’t know how the time passed so quickly, but when I saw my clock it was already seven o'clock of the night, then I began to be worry about the entry to my house, especially because we were at five hours of Cali. After to enjoy the all day we were ready to return to the house, on the way we drunk a delicious chocolate with the famous “Chorizo Santarosano” ummmm, we arrived at house at 3:30 a.m. and though my grandmother did not open to me the door this was one of the prettiest trips of my life. We enjoyed a lot and today it is part of one of our more pleasing memories.


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