Open letter to my dear friend Procrastination
April 6 2011
Dear friend
As usual, I'm using you as a method to get a smoother and fresher mind, I definitively work better at the eleventh hour. I suppose at this time I am obliged to do it, there is no escape. And you know what? I don't feel remorseful; after all, I come up with a solution. Believe me, I have learned to cope with you and as you can corroborate with evident proofs, I have used you or enjoyed you at my pleasure. At work, for instance I don't even think in falling in your sweet embrace, but once I reach home, you become the queen of my mind, of my desires, of my basic instincts; I become an easy prey of your delightful tactics of having a good time first or instant satisfaction plus that extra encouragement you add to my abilities to rely exclusively in my well-known capacity to play the task by ear (It sounds like I have a big head?). As I have been doing it for years, I have become a master in this matter (you can't deny it). Well, I don't blame you or tell on you, you have made your best to make out of me what I am and, needless to say, our friendship is growing to unexpected proportions, probably you will help me to put off my last instant before reaching heaven (who knows for sure!!).
Take care and greet those of your colleagues: put off, delay and postpone, tell them not to show up so frequently, otherwise I will take serious measures, well if you don't appear first.
Your faithful friend
Frank (procrastinator Pro)